El Salvador - Mauricio Salaverria - Finca Himalaya

El Salvador - Mauricio Salaverria - Finca Himalaya

from $18.25


Country: El Salvador

Region: Ahuachapan

Farm: Finca Himalaya

Variety: Anacafe 14

Altitude: 1500 masl

Proc. Method: Natural

Tastes Like: Blackberry Molasses, Rhône Wine, Plum Crisp, Dark Sweet Cherries

Goes Best With: Random Tattoos, Bowling Flare, Street Art, Pupusas


Finca Himalaya is a 60-hectare farm owned by Mauricio A. Salaverria, who also owns a farm called Finca Divisadero. This farm is located in a different mountain range than it's named for: the Apaneca Mountains in El Salvador's Ataco region. The Honey processed coffee on Mauricio's farm is picked ripe and dry fermented for 20 hours. It's dried on raised beds for 23 to 25 days. His farms are planted with Bourbon, Pacamara, and Maragogype varieties, as well as cypress, pine and inga shade trees.

The volcanic soil and use of shade create a very hospitable environment for the coffee, and Mauricio has developed his own systems for processing.

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